Random photos & a walk from Leven to Crail c:

That realisation about not providing any genuine “blog like” posts has really hit home, so here comes an actual blog post! Or so I would like to say, when in reality it’s just more recent photos and a recommendation for a day trip.

University starts up again soon and I’m as unprepared and behind as ever, but that won’t stop me from squandering my time! No, my time is worth everything, and I’ll be damned if I won’t spend my everything on nothing. It just so happens that this time round, I squandered my everything sleeping on the concrete floor of an abandoned concrete room, freezing off whatever nipples I had.

Said concrete room. I have no idea why it was here, but it served me well at keeping the wind off my bacon.

You might ask why I was in this room. The answer may not surprise you: I had decided to walk through the night after having already done an all-nighter the day before. What can I say? Buses to Leven finish at midnight on a Saturday and start at 11 AM at the earliest on a Sunday! Not conducive to such a walk. Thus I opted to walk through the night, and fate bequeathed upon me a fine concrete plane upon which to base myself. The walk finished at Crail, by the way. Definitely recommend walking the route (Fife Coastal Trail).

So, you know the drill (I hope.) here are my favourite photographs. The full album is down there, too!

Basalt near Earlsferry Golf Course
The town of Elie, Fife. Great place, people are great, and what a view.
Frankly low tide is definitely the time to pass through here, bliss.
I also have to admit the 16-300 Tamron might be my fave! T_T
This little devil was hounding (hah) me quite a bit. I think they were confused by a human having four legs (hiking poles :P)
Some old ruins on the way to St Monan
Peacock Butterfly. I’ve photographed this guy all over Scotland, but I just love this angle!
The Small White butterfly. The focus here is on the little fly next to it and I can’t complain!
Different specimen, but better focus. Love this guy.
Heron, which flew off the second I tried to sneak closer ¬_¬
Red Admiral butterfly c:
Beadlet Anemone
Bank of cirrocumulus (?) above some foliage and flowers. There’s a pseudo-macro of the foliage in the album W_W
Mini-waterfall from above. The bokeh is pretty o,o
Shameless spider macro @-@
Fishermen unloading the catch. The boat was launched in 2017 (apparently); getting the colours right was a bit annoying for this one… thank god Lightroom exists!
Cormorant crossing a wave crest ^.^
More Cormorants, with a Lil’ Gull photobombing the horizon…
Full Album 😛

Speaking of photography I’m not going to lie, the Tamron 16-300mm f/3.5-6.3 has grown on me. It’s soft (sharpens max around f/8 ~150mm) and by god it’s taken in a bunch of dust, but it’s been my best partner for the last six months. Hopefully it’ll be my best partner for the future, too! ^.^

I plan to go FF once this years student paycheck comes in, almost certainly with a D780. Why the £600 extra over the Z6, effectively the same camera but without an optical viewfinder? Because it has no optical viewfinder. Being able to use your eyes to see the scene through an optical viewfinder is what makes a camera a camera, at least to me; I don’t know, it just makes it feel that much more personal, more nostalgic. Also ML cameras have the battery life of a vibrator running on a single AAA cell.

With that, I end this post. Not before I throw in a trio of other random photos I took recently! 😛

Trash spider. She lives on my outdoor trash can. Shot this in near darkness using my P30 Lite torch for illumination, not the flash (I need to buy an external flash for macro and asap! :_:)
Deer that was having a sip at the local pond. Wish I had more zoom… :_:
Greylag geese, near the deer 😛

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